Nureeva and Tangora

Nureeva and Tangora is a unique autofiction novel, inspired by the real-life struggles and experiences of an immigrant family raising their children diagnosed with Classic Autism and having identified photon-deficiency as the underlying cause.


Nureeva is a special child, living in her own solitary world without friends. The fantastical realm of Tangora was unknown to her until her family was brought there by Eagleray. She meets Dinornis, Meiolaniidae, Elasmotherium, Gigantopithecus blackii, Ailuropoda baconi amongst many others. In this new world, she forms an unlikely friendship with a giant named Yanesh, who teaches her to ride the wonderful creatures known as ninjamis. Her journey continues as she enrols in a new school, Tangorarc, where she learns the second lesson: Magic does not exist. Upon solving a cryptic puzzle, she embarks on an incredible adventure.

The novel addresses the profound theme of an immigrant family grappling with the challenges of raising a child diagnosed with Level-3 Autism, also known as Classic Autism. They are committed to doing everything within their power to ensure the best for their daughter, even if it necessitates going to extraordinary lengths.

Nureeva and Tangora is available for purchase on Amazon in both paperback and ebook editions:

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Our struggle continues after proving level-3 (classic) autism is curable and preventable

Our never-ending struggle continues even after finding the cure for level-3 (classic) autism. Now that the Education Department’s tests here in Australia have concluded that our “incurable” level-3 autistic children are recovering after our PhD research on the cure and implementing the ground-breaking therapy, we hit another obstacle. But at least now our peer-reviewed and published research has been conclusively proven to cure level-3 (classic) autism with our recovering children. Now, it’s up to other scientists to build on our published research, put the cure in a pill and eliminate level-3 (classic) autism from the face of this earth.

Please follow the link to The Age (Australia) newspaper for the latest obstacle in our continuing struggles.

My Keynote address on our therapy that helped recover our level-3 (classic) autistic children.

Our case-study:

Autofiction based on our research and experiences:

We will soon put up a YouTube video regarding the complex science behind our therapy, which will explain exactly what molecules are needed in pill form to cure or to prevent Level-3 (Classic) Autism. These are already available in our publications. As this is beyond our research area, we’re hoping other scientists would investigate them for stabilising in pills. Like Vitamin D, these are naturally produced in the human body in sunlight. The only issue is stabilising them for the pills in a way similar to any other vitamin. Please refer to our or other peer reviewed publications for the details on these.

Also, please note: Level-3 (Classic) Autism, while having similar name as common Autism is quite a different disease. Please, do not mix the two. Our research is solely focused on Level-3 (Classic) Autism. And curing Level-3 (Classic) Autism does not imply the child is no more autistic; it means the child is no more suffering from Level-3 (Classic) Autism.

Autism and Sunlight

This book details the association between the sunlight and Level-3 (Classic) Autism. It lists down sunlight’s impact on a human brain development, regulation and critical functioning. It explains how sunlight can be used to reduce the severity of Autistic symptoms. These include disturbed sleep, tantrums, self-harm, repetitive and other stereotypical Autistic behaviours.

Main case study from the book can be downloaded for free from ResearchGate at the following link:

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Reducing Autism Poisoning Impacts

Reducing Autism Poisoning Impacts

Reducing Autism Poisoning Impacts

The booklet “Reducing Autism Poisoning Impacts” is now available at Amazon.

This write-up is a case study of a baby boy born in the United Kingdom (UK) who was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and labelled as having disabilities with the incapacity to function in the society. Parents of the baby contested the diagnosis with many facts that according to them did not confine to the definitions of ASD.
Parents of the baby had come up with a hypothesis that “preservatives and other chemicals in foods and environment were significantly contributing towards baby’s autistic traits and responsible for worsening the behavior.”
After years of observations baby’s parents found their hypothesis true and have documented their efforts and results in this write-up. Link:

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